Our Sit & Sew classes are a perfect time to continue your projects with the encouragement of your friends and support from our teachers, Kimmie and Patty. If you are stuggling with quilt or perhaps need just a bit of direction, our teachers are here to help you! And nothing is better than sewing with friends!
Kimmie: Teaching the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays
Patty: Teaching the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays
Enjoy our Sit & Sews at the WELCOME BACK pricing of $10!
Be sure to pack your lunch or feel free to dine at any of our local eateries.
Due to Covid Restrictions, our spacing is limited.
You must RSVP through the Studio or directly with your teacher.
You can reach the Studio at (760) 445-7585